Moving through the discomfort of playing full out professionally

Dr. Sweta standing in front of a long table at which several women are seated, giving an interactive workshop on Playing Full-Out Professionally.

A while back, I gave an interactive talk/workshop tiled the Provocative Path to Playing Full-Out Professionally.

During our time together, we laughed, cried and most importantly got real.

Woman after woman shared how unseen they feel with their titles because their work is so much more profound and they don't feel recognized.

Some shared that they were unsure of how to honor their education and experience and their inner-callings.

They know they have all these talents and gifts but their potential is not being fully expressed and they can’t ignore it anymore.

Yet they are scared or confused on how to embrace the parts of themselves that are so deeply wanting to be shared.

Can you relate?

I supported these women to give voice to these unseen parts through my super power of naming (btw I offer a name your brilliance session which you can sign up for here)

For some it was about being more bold.

For others it’s was about being more soft.

They shared how much they have been running away from these parts of themselves.

I get this on such a deep level (that’s the part I ran away from, my depth) We each have our own unique journey but what is the same is we can’t hold our true selves back any more.

Each day we ignore that inner-voice, it chips away at our self-worth and ripples into our day jobs & relationships.

We get resentful of our relationships and snap at the very people we are putting before our expression. I know this dynamic too.

For years I worked hard accomplishing a lot - but underneath I knew their was something else. I was scared of change and couldn’t even admit it.

When my coach named it for me, I felt like a mask was taken off.

Even though I deeply desired to share my true self, it felt very vulnerable because the image I projected to the world was about being strong and having it all together.

I felt naked being so in my truth about not wanting to be a pharmacist but it was the best thing that could ever have happened.

And that’s what I want for you.

Perhaps you have tried to get help with making a change.

Maybe you even hired a coach, enrolled for trainings on how to start a blog/write a book or have a drawer full of trainings and certifications.

Or maybe you are just so stuck that you think about these things but can’t seem to take a step forward. What I have learned on my own journey and working with lots of people is that it’s not about the information and trainings.

It’s resisting change.

One foot is on the gas pedal and the other on the break at the same time.

I know the uncertainty feels uncomfortable and it’s easy to go back to “old ways” or jump ahead before it’s time. But actually, it’s a sign that you are on the right path. You can trust your process.

Just like getting through labor, if you breathe and get support, you can ease the discomfort and you will be met with a creation that’s so beautiful and totally worth it!

A mentor or a coach that has walked this path before can give you the assurance you need to keep you moving forward.

If you would like my help, you can sign up for a connection call here.

Give yourself the gift of support to help you birth a fuller you, you deserve it!


The Curse of Being Good