work better and happier
Starting each coaching session with celebrations is one of the most important habits I can seed for my clients. Here’s why…

The path of least resistance is hard
A few weeks ago I was drowning, and I want to share with you how I helped myself get back afloat. Especially if you are finding yourself struggling to doggy paddle to a place where you can rest and take a breadth.

Empowered Women Empower Women
As a woman, you may have experienced Tall Poppy Syndrome at some point in your life. This is a social phenomenon where successful individuals are criticized, resented, or attacked, simply because of their achievements. I

Reinventing Your Life and Work: Identity Life Traps
When your identity is so tied to how you perform in a role, if you are not measuring up, it can be crippling to your self-esteem and self-worth.

Move Beyond Impostor Syndrome
Last week I coached a client on Impostor Syndrome and gave a talk to over 100 physicians in a major healthcare setting on the same topic.
One of the common themes in both of the situations was a feeling of “I’m not smart enough” or “experienced enough” and people will find out.

Do You Without dropping the ball
He said to his date ‘I’m taking some time off to do what I love.” Her response “most people can’t afford to make that choice.” His reply “Can’t afford to or afraid to?

Is trying to be 100% Burning You Out
I recently I gave a presentation to a group of Healthcare workers at Kasier Permanente on Impostor Syndrome.
I shared with them 5 different ways it can show up:
Natural Genius
Rugged Individualist
The Expert
The Superhuman

7 mistakes Driven professionals make when reinventing work and leadership
During this time of the “great resignation, reshuffle,” however you want to call it, people are really re-thinking how to work and lead.

belonging or is it fitting in?
A couple of years ago I was chatting with a friend about belonging and she said to me that word makes me feel so warm and cozy. I remember feeling the opposite.

The Curse of Being Good
“Can we meet for coffee please? I wanted to send this message before the urge passed.” And so we met - a local mom friend and I. She shared with me about how she was having the strangest thoughts and feelings.