Empowered Women Empower Women
As a woman, you may have experienced Tall Poppy Syndrome at some point in your life. This is a social phenomenon where successful individuals are criticized, resented, or attacked, simply because of their achievements. I

Do You Without dropping the ball
He said to his date ‘I’m taking some time off to do what I love.” Her response “most people can’t afford to make that choice.” His reply “Can’t afford to or afraid to?

Is trying to be 100% Burning You Out
I recently I gave a presentation to a group of Healthcare workers at Kasier Permanente on Impostor Syndrome.
I shared with them 5 different ways it can show up:
Natural Genius
Rugged Individualist
The Expert
The Superhuman

The Curse of Being Good
“Can we meet for coffee please? I wanted to send this message before the urge passed.” And so we met - a local mom friend and I. She shared with me about how she was having the strangest thoughts and feelings.